This course is the SAA-C02 and SAA-C03 combined course.

It has all C02 lessons and all C03 lessons

if you've already started and intend to take SAA-C02 or SAA-C03, THIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU - you will be 100% fine !!!!!

There will be a NEW SAA-C03 course which will be the same as this, but minus any SAA-C02 material which isn't needed anymore. The C03 course will be v. slightly more efficient, but not enough to be worried about.

The new C03 course will be made available for ALL customers who own this C02 and C03 course... but again, continue as you are this course is also fine.

Don't worry about this at all, continue as you are :)

New Exam Links

Coming Soon Page : https://aws.amazon.com/certification/coming-soon/

Exam Guide : https://d1.awsstatic.com/training-and-certification/docs-sa-assoc/AWS-Certified-Solutions-Architect-Associate_Exam-Guide_C03.pdf

Sample Questions : https://d1.awsstatic.com/training-and-certification/docs-sa-assoc/AWS-Certified-Solutions-Architect-Associate_Sample-Questions_C03.pdf

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